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Glossarium Anglice/Verba principalia

E Vicilibris

Enuntationes priores

Ita (verō), Rēctē, Est, Sīc = Yes
Non, Minime = No
Grātiās agō = Thank you
Grātiās multās agō = Thank you very much
Ad voluntātem = You're welcome
Sīs / Quaesō / Amābo tē / Sī placet = Please
Mē excūsa / Ignōsce mihi = Excuse me
Salvē, Salvēte = Hello, Goodbye; Good morning/evening, etc.
Valē, Valēte / Avē, Avēte = Goodbye, Hello


Non intellegō. = I do not understand
Quōmodo anglicē hoc dicunt/dicitur? = How do you say this in [English]?
Loquerisne ... = Do you speak ...
Anglicē = English
Francogallicē = French
Theodiscē = German
Graecē = Greek
Hispānicē = Spanish
Ītalicē = Italian
Sinicē = Chinese
Indicē = Hindi


Ego = I
= You
Is / Ea / Id = He / She / It
Nōs = We
Vōs = You (pl.), Y'all, Yous
Eī / Eae / Ea = They


Quid nōmen tibi est? = What is your name?
Gaudeō tē vidēre. = Nice to meet you.
Quid agis? Quōmodo valēs? Ut valēs? Qui valēs = How are you?
Valeō / Bene mihi est / Rēctē / Bellē/ Mē bene Habeō = I'm fine
Bene = Well
Perbellē / Bellissimē = Very well
Male = Bad
Admodum bene / Variē = So so
Quid vis? = What do you want?
Quid novi? = What's new?
Cūrā ut valeās = Take care of yourself
Molliter cubes = Good night


Uxor = Wife
Maritus = Husband
Fīlia = Daughter
Fīlius = Son
Māter = Mother
Pater = Father
Soror = Sister
Frater = Brother
Amīcus / Amīca = Friend
Avunculus = Uncle
Avus / Ava = Grandfather / Grandmother


Ubī sunt loca sēcrēta? Ubī est sēcessus? = Where is the bathroom? Where is the toilet?